Gluten-free diet

The only trusted treatment that exist for Celiac Disorder is a gluten-free Healthy Living. Gluten is known to be protein found within the seed of cereals like wheat, barley, rye, and derivatives, and a few sorts of oats. Gluten lacks nutritional value, but it has a high technological value. It is responsible for the elasticity of the flour dough, giving the spongy consistency of baked bread and dough.

The gluten-free diet should not be started before having a specialist's diagnosis since it would make it difficult to diagnose the disease.

To have a correct gluten-free diet, it is advisable to take into account the following points:

  • It is advisable to consume natural or generic products, that is, gluten-free by nature.

  • According to experts, some products contain between 20 and 100 ppm of gluten, not being suitable for people with celiac disease. The only good mention for people with celiac disease is GLUTEN FREE.

  • Currently, there are products in the market made with modified wheat starch that contain less than 20 ppm of gluten and are suitable for people with celiac disease.

  • When purchasing processed and packaged products, it is advisable to check the list of ingredients on the label or look for them in the FACE gluten-free food list application.

  • Extreme caution should be exercised when handling food in bars, restaurants, and dining rooms. An example of this would be using shared oils for products with and without gluten or if a vegetable dish with gluten-free sausage could not be offered to a person with celiac disease, even removing the sausage after processing.

  • In those homes with a celiac member, it is recommended to eliminate wheat flour and breadcrumbs with gluten and use, instead, flours and gluten-free breadcrumbs, mashed potato flakes to the batter, bread, or thicken sauces. In this way, food cooked at home could be consumed by everyone, including people with celiac disease.

  • When in doubt as to whether or not a product contains gluten:  DO NOT CONSUME IT.

For people with a gluten-related disorder, the introduction of the diet brings a direct improvement in their health. It is important that the gluten-free diet is started after a health professional has indicated it as a treatment.

Advantages of the gluten-free diet:

  • The general symptoms disappear or are mitigated.

  • The risk of complications associated with health decreases.

  • The quality of life improves and the patient's well-being is restored.

  • this site
  • In people with celiac disease, the antibody values normalize.

  • The mucosa of the small intestine begins to regenerate in people with celiac disease and nutrients are absorbed again.

About the Author

Paul Hesch is a naturally gifted intuitive who has committed his life to be a healer of the heart, mind, body, and soul. His passion is to touch the heart of those he encounters and to teach them how to consciously create their life through the understanding that every thought, word, or action shifts the energy in their field and creates their destiny. Paul grew up in Northern California (Bay Area) and was being dispelled to enjoy life, yet work harder than the other person.

He has written multiple books, and they can be found on Amazon or iTunes.

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